Illumine Inspection Support & School Improvement
RAISE analysis SEF checks Pre-Inspection Support for schools
Most popular services:
Whole school review
Self-evaluation for continuous school iimprovement
Improving teaching & learning

Inclusion review

SEN Review

EYFS review
Raising achievement in mathematics
Bespoke SEN training

Consultancy tailored to a school's individual needs

 Governor Training

A half-day off-site analysis of RAISE and the school's SEF / self-evaluation summary provides the context for this half-day or one-day course. The training focuses particularly on the increased expectations for governance including:

  • governors' role in relation to the management of teachers' performance;

  • governors' responsibility for the spending of pupil premium funding and its impact;

  • governors' knowledge of the school's overall effectiveness based on an understanding of data;

  • governors' knowledge of the quality of teaching, including strengths and weaknesses;

  • governors' role in ensuring the school's website meets the new requirements;

  • governors' ambition and expectations for the school and their role in driving improvement, including through gathering information for themselves.